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Redefine Happiness

I don’t know about you but 2020 has been a year, or should I say, a season of reflection for me as it has been for many of us. The things that I thought were so near and dear, that I couldn’t live without, that, in some way, had begun to shape my very existence, have taken a back seat in 2021. I read this somewhere, I can’t remember the source but it said: "Redefine happiness." That is what I find myself doing these days. I had to ask myself: "What is true happiness for me? Who defines it and where does it come from? "True happiness, for me, is knowing my identity in Christ and getting back to my true love. It is listening and obeying. Hearing and doing (James 1:22-25 NKJV).

I was reading in the book of Matthew, chapter 5 concerning the beatitudes and I love what the commentary said in describing the blessing, because as you know, the beatitudes talks about those who are blessed. Blessing by the way, means "The experience of hope and joy, independent of outward circumstances." But what the commentary said was: "To find hope and joy, the deepest form of happiness, follow Jesus no matter what the cost." Can you benefit from some true joy and happiness in your life today? I sure can!

I was having a discussion with one of my children the other day and we were discussing our relationship with Christ and how we felt that it had taken a back seat to things. She stated that she had gone on a fast and felt that after the fast, she had rediscovered her first love and that through the fast, she was able to see how other things had her affections and distracted her on her spiritual journey. She discovered that God had slipped from His place in her heart and that she didn’t fully realize to what extent. Fasting helped her to see things more clearly and helped her to see where she was missing it and what she needed to do to correct it.

Since we are in the season of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I want to encourage you to reflect on this wonderful season of life and on the significance of this wonderful celebration and what it means to you. If you're not familiar with the bible verses concerning the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, I encourage you to read Luke, chapter 24 in the New Testament. There's a wonderful narrative there about this very subject. I want to encourage you to ask God to revive you, to resurrect your love for Him as we come to the close of this season of recognizing who Jesus is and what He has done for us, and like me and my daughter, I pray that you come to the conclusion that you will get back to your first love.

I would love to hear your thoughts or comments. I would love to hear your story so I can share it to inspire others!

Helping you to discard your past so you can embrace your future,


Changing Mindsets, Changing Lives

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